रोग मुक्त भारत अभियान – हर घर पहुंच रहा आयुर्वेद, मुफ्त बांट रहे मेडिसिन हर […]
Author: Sajid Bhati (P.R.O)
Mr. Sajid Bhati currently works at Rajasthan Aushadhalaya Pvt. Ltd. as a Public Relations Officer and Health Journalist. During his ten-year career, he has contributed to the company's mission of Addiction Free India and Disease Free India through writing and promotion. Spreading the great work of Rajasthan Aushadhalaya throughout India through passionate media coverage of all free medical health check-up camps held in villages, districts, and cities. He has a postgraduate degree in arts and journalism, as well as extensive understanding of digital marketing. His areas of expertise in writing include Ayurveda, Health, and related subjects. He promotes awareness of ayurvedic treatments and medicines by sharing his deep understanding and knowledge of Ayurveda through seminars, workshops, and other activities.
बिहार के भागलपुर में लगा आयुर्वेदिक डॉक्टर्स का जमावड़ा, जिले के 72 चिकित्सक सम्मानित
भागलपुर में आयुर्वेदिक डॉक्टर्स का सम्मान l भागलपुर । Rajasthan Aushdhalaya pvt ltd मुम्बई भारत […]
Ayurvedic Doctors Felicitation: एक नई पहल, इससे चिकित्सकों में ऊर्जा का संचार होगा – डॉ. कमलेश दानौटियां – मदंसौर
मंदसौर। राजस्थान औषधालय (आरएपीएल ग्रूप) मुम्बई द्वारा पूरे भारत भर में चलाये जा रहे डॉक्टर्स […]